I saw this picture and I just couldn't pass up not including it as a post. This meal was quite typical of our Friday night dinners. We would have a few cheeses, a few meats, a loaf of bread and of course some good wine (preferably a german riesling of course).
Oh ya, and Maggie (of course)
I LOVE that picture. Maggers sitting so patiently in the background. I think she's almost worn away the carpet with her booty. I have to find a picture of her sitting. She sits kinda funny, with all her business showing in the front, insetad sitting on top of it all.
that's a good "where's maggie" picture. just gotta get her a red stripped sweater.
wow, what a good looking meal. there's ALWAYS good food at your house..
oh yeah, finally a new post! :)
i like howmaggie will sait their and wait forever until a crumb falls.
ah yes, but Maggie KNOWS that a crumb shall fall. Intermittent reward, the strongest of all.
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