Taste Test via New York
While in New York City I was able to do some "research" for my work. I dragged Lotus to a couple of chocolate shops (Neuhaus, Jacques Torres and Maison du Chocolate).
Neuhaus I knew from Belgium and is my current fav, except it's hard to get since the closest store is in Macy's San Francisco (on line is too expensive). Jacques Torres is just in New York and Maison du Chocolate is based in Paris, but has a store in New York City.
The way I routed our day, we went to Neuhaus first and I picked out a 9pc box there (after we had coffee and pastries and got Lotus her cookies). What I really like about Neuhaus is the creaminess of thier fillings. Since I was somewhat familiar with their products, this stop went fairly quickly.
Later in the day we stopped in at Maison du Chocolate. I was not too familiar with their products, but I had heard of them and read positive reviews. I did not end up buying anything here, becuase the place had really bad chi. The pieces of chocolate were really small and a 6 piece box was 11 or 12 bucks. If they were reasonable sized pieces, then maybe, but these were really small. The store had a real uppidyness to it and just did not have a good feel to it.
Our second to last stop that day was Jacques Torres Chocolates. This was a nice store. It was in the SoHo area of New York and was a bit industrial looking and they make a few of the items there (the main factory is across the river in Brooklyn). We bought a quarter pound box and some asst bulk items for my parents for Xmas.
So last night I did my taste test. I tried some of the new Godiva, some Neuhaus and some Jacques Torres. Here are pics of each:

Inside the box, plus Lotus's chocolate cherry:

Jacques Torres:

Inside the box:

Godiva, I have some in bulk, so I just put them on a plate for this pic

So after exhaustive research I have determined that I still like Neuhaus the best. Some of the new Godiva items are pretty good, and Jacques Torres is good too, but for me, Neuhaus is a step above. I liked the Jacques Torres, but it's not noticeably better than Godiva or Neuhaus. I think Jacques Torres had a few flavors that were different and interesting (port, wicked fun (ancho & chipotle chili's), earl grey tea (which I did not try), etc) but the chocolate was not a step above, etc.
So in a nutshell, Neuhaus still rules, but Godiva is still a good choice since getting Neuhaus is not an easy thing to do.
wow, chocolate pix!!!! right on!!!! make them bigger next time so we can see the detail!
those neuhaus sound really delicious! better than godiva, eh?
welcome back shogun, er neo.
I was actually loading larger pictures today, but Blogger was not taking the new pics. They are up now.
The best chocolate that I ever had was at the Chocolate Factory in Switzerland when my cousin and I went there a couple of decades ago.
Lindt Chocolates is a well brand name over there. The only thing with European chocolates is that it's so rich in my case you can eat just one.
Oh and I don't think you'll like the Earl Grey Tea. Someone gave me a box of gourmet teas one year for X-Mas. Earl Grey along with English Breakfast were among the selections and I didn’t like either of them.
earl gray tea...yuck...
why ruin chocolate with that????
Whew! I just took a peek at the Neuhaus website. You must have spent some moola on them. But I'm sure the taste makes it worth it. I'll have to try them sometime. Dark chocolate of course.
While it is pricey, I think it's all releative to your wants and desires. I really don't splurge on much (I don't have much of a music, movie or fashion collection (or sense for that matter)) and about the only thing I really have no qualms about paying top dollar for is food and drink, as long as I feel it's worth the premium.
It's kinda funny in that I have always wanted a real nice watch, and now that I rep Tag I had an opportunity to buy one pretty cheap a few weeks ago and still couldn't pull the trigger. But I would absolutely not hesitate to spend as much as it would cost me for that watch on a just one or two meals.
I know most might say I would have the watch for many years to come, but conversely, I'll remember the meal at Veritas for longer than that watch would have lasted.
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