Soo Good But Soo Bad
We went to a friend's wedding today which was on the beach (totally cool benefit of living in San Diego). The wedding was pretty cool, but they had that all so enticing food lumpia. It's kind of like those commercials where they say, we bet you can't eat just one.
But then they not only had the regular fried lumpia, they had the banana lumpia, then the uncooked lumpia (never had that one before). Asst crudities, and chicken skewers later, the diet was all blown to hell.
I was doing pretty well with my diet until today, but then I kind of thought today would be a bad day calorie wise because of the event. But at least the food was good, so it was kind of worth it. I hate it when I eat something that has a lot of calories that just isn't that good (ex: anything with Hershey chocolate (yuck), cheap pizza, most non-diet sodas).
I'm just trying to play it off as a day of rest and mega refueling. My last two rides have been pretty sluggish becuase I haven't had much in the tank to work off of since the good lunch on Tuesday.
When you think about it, we didn't eat all that much. Three of those little lumpias are the same as one regular one. Plus, we didn't eat any sweets, except for the banana lumpia, and no wedding cake.
Besides, we did all that walking around and climbing on the dunes!
Don't feel too bad, Shogun. Look at me. I've already been TOLD that my diet needs to change. But am I listening? NOOOOOOOOO....
I'm trying though. I'm really trying.... but not that hard...
Do I want a heart-attack? Of course not. Do I need to have one in order to get my act together?
wow, the had fresh lumpia there (lumpiang sariwa)! those are so good! my mom used to make those, with garlic peanut sauce....mmmm...
plus the banana lumpia too (turron)! sounds like really good reception food!
ronin - i hope you won't wait until you get a heart attack to really sucks. my dad had to get a triple by-pass last year because he never took care of himself and ate whatever he wanted. that's the main reason i started exercising last year.
but to each his own...not trying to nag you ronin.
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