Wednesday, June 14, 2006

6-8 Weeks (at least)

As some of you know I was invloved in an altercation about 2 weeks ago that resulted in many parts of my face being broken. You can barely even tell today, but regardless the face doc told me I cannot do anything that could possibly result in a blow to the face for at least the next 6-8 weeks. He said by then the bones would be 50% healed and there would be soft tissue formed in the cracks that would help keep the cracks from easily sliding and causing serious damage.

This basically means I cannot ride my bike for 2 months!!!! That totally blows. Just as I was getting back into it from coming off my ankle injury.

I'm thinking I may get a trainer (a device that lets me ride my bike in the garage or back yard), but I'm not sure I could do that for an hour or so to get a good workout (I might get too bored).

I have never had a problem doing the treadmill for that period of time, but I could put the treadmill in front of the TV and that would help pass the time. I really don't want to bring the bike in the house because the chain and sprokets are all greased up and my carpet looks bad enough as it is.


At 6/14/2006 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were a trooper. He didn't even use any of the pain killers they prescribed. Which I'm happy about because I was all out of Vicodin, now I have a full supply! Which, btw, I only use when my back goes, which is pretty much debilitating.

If you can find some way to use the trainer in the house, I'm totally okay with it :)

At 6/15/2006 5:56 PM, Blogger Mulysa said...

i'll arm wrestle you for those vicodins...

At 6/15/2006 7:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl, I have super human strength when it comes to fighting for pain meds. When my back goes out, I am literally immobilized. Like, honey, can you come help walk me to the toilet. And pull down my underwear. And lower me on the seat. And wipe me. Thanks.

The last time my back went out I couldn't get out bed. I took a vicodin, got dressed and Shogun helped lower me into my car. With a very worried look on his face, like "Am I gonna get a call from the highway patrol asking me to come get my wife off the freeway"?

By the time I got to work, I felt nothing. I almost fell asleep at my desk by 2pm, but hey, that sounds like everyday, right?

At 6/19/2006 11:18 PM, Blogger bert wolfe said...

Dude, for a guy who had that happen to him, I must say you look good. Yeah, the next 2 months will probably be a bore, but its better than 6 months in rehab or something of the sort.

Get the trainer thingy and just put a mat under it. Best way to go in my opinion.


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