Borat, I like yes...
Lotus and I saw the new movie Borat today. The previews just looked to hilarious to pass up. It's the first movie we have actually seen in a theater in quite a while.
There were not a whole lot of real funny parts that you did not get a glimpse of in the previews, but there was one scene that definately makes this movie worth seeing. Lotus and I were rolling with laughter.
I recommend seeing this movie sometime in your life, but if you can wait until it comes out on video there is a scene you may want to rewind and watch again and again.
omg, funny. it wasn't a funny movie, per se, but the jokes and sight gags had me rolling.
The one scene had me crying. I haven't cried in a while...
Canine and I can wait until video. It looks like a promising video rental. I couldn't imagine myself paying theatre prices for it.
However, Canine, TC and I did see Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D at UltraStar (CV shopping center). Can you say $12.50 per adult and $7 per child? Gads! I can't believe I actually paid that much. But TC wanted to see it. I thought it was pretty cool in 3D (but not $12.50 'cool').
okay, now you've piqued my curiosity. i want to know what that scene was...
tell me damn you! tell me!
regular movie prices suck deflated dog balls.
whatever happened to dollar tuesdays at fiesta twin? those were the days!
uh, let's just say that I could be happy for months with a waxing kit...and rubber gloves...
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