More like Daylight sucking time
I hate daylight losing time. Why don't we just keep our clocks set to the summer time. Since I don't ever get up when the sun does come up, I can't tell you how it might help those early rising farmer fucks. All I know is that it is seriously getting in the way of my biking. It is getting fairly dark at 5pm now. So if I want to get a good ride in I need to be out the door by 3pm, so I need to be home by 2pm to unwind and suit up (yes it takes that long, and fuck you for whatever else your thinking).
Some how I got to 1500 miles on my bike, now I'm going to have to push it to get to 2,000 by the end of the year since these farmer fucks and early morning comuters don't like to drive in the dark.
tell us how you really feel
Ahh, the real Shogun. Nice. Although, he looks a bit like Chester Chester Child Molester. Hmm, kinda like when you had the creepy goatee (visible shudder).
Yeah, fucking farmers who provide us with all our food. Fucking fucks. Okay, since it's all owned by ADM, how any farmers actually work that late nowadays anyways?
Althouh, the farmers at Straus Creamery milk their ladies thrice daily, the last being around 8 pm. Talk about dedication. That must be why their milk is sooooooo yummy!
wait, that's richard chamberlain isn't it???
he's the GAY samurai
Damn, the only white samurai Shogun can find and he's gay. Or descended from an alien (mr dianetics).
I guess Shogun will have to blaze a new trail for white samurais...
Ooooooooooooh. The real shogun reveals himself. I like it!! It just adds more to the duality (triality?) of your character. Golf player by day, cyclist by afternoon, Shogun by night. I always thought you kept your sword hidden in a secret compartment in your golf bag, ready to whip it out and lop off a head or a limb.
I recently watched the Shogun miniseries (via NetFlix) earlier this year. I'd never watched it when it came on TV years ago. [I think I got a lot more out of it now than I would have had I watched it years ago.] I thought it was pretty good for its time. One of the things I thought was cool was, for the most part, they didn't use subtitles when the Japanese were speaking. So the viewer was just as confused as bewildered as the character...
And yes, prep time for certain physical activities does take more than just a minute or two. When I was into biking, stretching took a good 30 minutes. Same thing with running. And, of course, I always had to have my music with me, in one form or another.
I prefer the other time too. Since it gets dark later, around 8 or 8:30pm I always feel like I have more time in the day to get things accomplished.
wait, the shogun was a shogun, not a samurai. sorry.
but richard chamberlain is still gay.
he did get the chicks in his movies though. remember the THORN BIRDS? Pervert priest!!!
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