Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Lets get back on the horse
It's been about six weeks since I sprained my ankle. In those six weeks I really haven't been able to exercise much. My ankle is still a bit sensitive, but I can do most normal stuff now, I just can't do stuff (without pain) that directly stresses the ankle. I was stretching today and I went to strecth my right quad, by grabing my foot and pulling up and back...big mistake...big hurt...
But I was able to walk on my treadmill twice last week and today I went for a short bike ride. Everything seems to be going ok. I'm going slow for obvious reasons, but I'll try to get out by scregie's house on Friday (maybe to do a patio remodel) and then maybe a real ride on Sunday, we'll see.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Your Thighs are HUGE!!!!

I would have to say that this phrase was one that I will probably remember for the rest of my life. We heard it when we were in San Francisco a few weeks ago during the first stage of the Tour of California bicycle race. The first day of the race is usually a short race in which each cyclist goes out on the course one by one, as fast as they can, and whoever has the fastest time that day wins. These days are really designed for the spectators as a way to get close to the racers in a large city center. After the first day the races usually head off into the back country where the races are really won and lost.
But this first stage (usually refered to as a prolouge) was unusually difficult becuase it was in San Francisco and they raced the last kilometer straight up a hill to Coit Tower. Imagine riding your bike straight up the steepest hill you can imagine for half a mile. This hill was huge!!! I have been riding for about 6 months now and there is no way I could even get up it without stalling, It's huge!!!
Anyway, we were about half way up the hill cheering on the racers as they passed by and one of the guys was really struggling. Then we hear, "Common guy, Your Thighs are huge!!!". We all were dying laughing. If the rider heard it, I'm sure he would have been too. If you have ever seen a pro cyclist they are nothing but thighs for the most part. So this is actually a huge complement, but it's funny too.
The rider shown here actually doesn't have that large of thighs, but it was the clearest shot I had since they were going by pretty fast and I forgot to set my camera to high speed (The guys with real big thighs were blurry since they went by so fast, becuase their Thighs were Huge!!!).